2021 – READY SET GO!

Did you know, less than 25% of people continue with their new year’s resolution by 31st January and only 8% of people actually achieve them by the end of the year!

While being so motivated to make changes on New Year’s Day, why can’t we stay committed even for a month?

Why do you think this happens? What have we been doing wrong?

The answer is, setting goals rather than resolutions, that too, S.M.A.R.T. goals!

Now, what is S.M.A.R.T. you ask? It stands for:

S – Specific 

M – Measurable 

A – Achievable 

R – Relevant 

T – Timebound

How can you implement this, to set some robust goals for this year:

For example: If your new year’s resolution was to “Eat healthy”; how to convert this into a S.M.A.R.T. goal:


Ask yourself: What, Why, Who, Where, Which resources to be more specific around your goal.

I will eat healthy meals at home to improve my gut health.

Resources needed – work with a dietitian, learn new recipes, restock my pantry, get my partner onboard etc


It is important to measure your progress, to stay motivated.

Ask yourself: How much/many, how will I measure progress? This is where your accountability partner or support system (aka your dietitian) will come in handy to keep you on track.

I will eat at least one healthy home cooked meal a day for the next 3 months.

I will record my meals on my food diary APP, so that my dietitian can review my meals. 


Ask yourself: Is it realistic? Do I have the time and the resources (mental, physical, financial) to fulfill my goals? Am I spreading myself too thin? Would it stretch my abilities too much in a way that other areas of my life will be impacted? 


Ask yourself: Does this goal really matter to me? Is this the right time in my life for pursuing this? Is it worth my time and efforts?



This is one of the most important components. By putting a timeline or end date, you are instilling a sense of urgency.

I will achieve my goal by the 31st of March.

Now, let’s put that all together:

From: “Eat healthy”

To: “I will eat at least one healthy home cooked meal a day to improve my gut health until the 31st of March”.

See the difference? 

You can do this to literally any part of your life ☺ Now, go and convert those daydreams into realistic goals! Don’t forget to share them with me and tag me on socials!

I have made some awesome resources for you to record your goals and track them!

Download 2021 Goal Starter Kit



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