Are you planning to get pregnant within the next 3-12 months? Then, now is the time to start working on your pre-conception nutrition!

Scientific research has shown that the health and lifestyle of the mother and the father during the six months before they conceive a baby is critical – and may also be associated with adverse outcomes in childhood and later life, including a greater risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and allergy.

The egg and sperm are literally the genetic material for the developing foetus. So, working on your pre-conception nutrition and lifestyle is crucial!

I can help you with:

Optimising your sperm health

Optimising your egg health

Regulating your menstrual cycle and ovulation

Recurrent miscarriages

Improving your chances of implantation

Personalised pre-conception supplements protocol

Reproductive Or Health conditions

Are you struggling to become pregnant? You’re not alone. One in 6 Australian couples experience infertility.

If you have health conditions such as the following, these may affect your fertility.


Insulin resistance




Thyroid conditions

Celiac disease


Nutrition and diet might just be the missing piece of the puzzle! I can help manage your symptoms and provide dietary guidance to help improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Fertility Treatments:

If you are going through fertility treatments such as: Ovulation induction, IUI or IVF:

I can help with:

Analysing your pre-conception nutrition supplements

Optimising your weight for fertility treatment

Optimising your egg health

Fertility preservation - Egg freezing

Improving your implantation rates

Reducing the chances of recurrent Implantation failure

Ways to work with me

Initial Nutrition Assessment Session

My signature Pre-conception Nutrition Program

Get Your Body Baby-Ready

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